Semester-I, Model Paper-II
Model Paper - II Subject: STATISTICS, Paper-I: Descriptive Statistics and Probability Time: 3 hr Max. Marks: 80 SECTION - A Answer any Five questions : 5 X 4 = 20 1.What are the differences between primary and secondary data. 2.Explain Kurtosis. 3.State and prove Baye’s theorem. 4.Explain classical and statistical definition of probability and give their limitations. 5. Suppose that X is uniformly distributed over (0,2) .Find the density of Y=X 2 6.Define distribution function and state its properties. 7.Define PGF and find its mean and variance. 8.State and prove addition theorem of expectation. SECTION - B Answer all 4 Questions: 4 X 15 = 60 9.(a).(i).Explain secondary data. What are the sourc