Sem -III, Model Paper - II

Model Paper - II
            Paper-III: Statistical Methods            
Time: 3 hr                                                                                                          Max. Marks: 80
Answer any Five questions:                                                                                    5 X 4 = 20
1. Show that correlation coefficient is the geometric mean between two regression coefficients.
2. Explain correlation ratio.
3. Define partial and multiple correlation coefficients.
4. Define (i). Class and class frequency    (ii).Ultimate class frequency
5. Obtain relation between t and F distributions.
6. Define unbiasednees and consistency of an estimator.
7. Obtain sufficient estimator for the parameter l of poison distribution.  
8. Explain point and interval estimation.
Answer all 4 Questions:                                                                                            4 X 15 = 60  
 9. (a). Define correlation coefficient. Stat and prove its properties.
     (b). Derive regression equation of the regression line Y on X

10.(a). Define consistency. What are the conditions of consistency for three attributes?                                          (OR)
      (b). (i). Explain independence of attributes.
            (ii). For ‘n’ attributes A1,A2,--------, An. show that,
                    (A1*A2*--------*An) ≥ (A1)+(A2)+-------+(An) - (n-1)N
11.(a).(i).Define  χ2  variate. Explain properties and applications of χ2 distribution.               
          (ii). Explain Fisher's Z- transformation.
      (b).Show that sample mean and variance are independent.

12.(a).Explain method of maximum likelihood estimation with properties.
      (b).Obtain MLE for ‘µ’ and σ2 of normal population.


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