Semester- II Syllabus

B.Sc- I Year, II Semester (CBCS): Statistics Syllabus
Paper-II: Probability Distributions (DSC-2B)
(4 HPW with 4 Credits and 100 Marks)

Discrete distributions – I : Uniform and Bernoulli distributions : definitions, mean, variance and simple examples. Definition and derivation of probability function of Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution definition, properties of these distributions such as median, mode, m.g.f, c.g.f., p.g.f., c.f., and moments up to fourth order, reproductive property, wherever exists, and their real life applications. Poisson approximation to Binomial distribution.
Discrete distributions – II : Negative binomial, Geometric distributions : Definitions and
physical condition, properties of these distributions such as m.g.f, c.g.f., p.g.f., c.f. and moments up to fourth order, reproductive property, wherever exists, lack of memory property for Geometric distribution and their real life applications. Poisson approximation to Negative
binomial distribution. Hyper-geometric distribution – definition, physical conditions, derivation of probability function, mean, variance and real life applications. Binomial approximation to Hyper-geometric.

Continuous distributions – I : Rectangular and Normal distributions – definition, properties
such as m.g.f., c.g.f., c.f. and moments up to fourth order, reproductive property, wherever exists and their real life applications. Normal distribution as a limiting case of Binomial and Poisson distributions.

Continuous distributions – II : Exponential, Gamma : definition, properties such as m.g.f., c.g.f., c.f. and moments up to fourth order, reproductive property wherever exists and their real life applications. Beta distribution of two kinds : Definitions, mean and variance. Cauchy distribution - Definition and c.f.
Definition of convergence in Law, in probability and with probability one or almost sure
convergence. Definition of Weak Law of Large Numbers (WLLN) and Strong Law of Large
numbers (SLLN). Definition of Central Limit Theorem (CLT) for identically and independently distributed (i.i.d) random variables with finite variance.

Reference books:
1. V.K.Kapoor and S.C.Gupta: Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics, Sultan
Chand&Sons, New Delhi
2. GoonAM,Gupta MK,Das Gupta B : Fundamentals of Statistics , Vol-I, the World
Press Pvt.Ltd., Kolakota.
3. M.JaganMohan Rao and Papa Rao: A Text book of Statistics Paper-I.

Practical Paper – II
(With 2 HPW, Credits 1 and Marks 25)

1. Fitting of Binomial distribution – Direct method.
2. Fitting of Binomial distribution – Direct method using MS Excel.
3. Fitting of binomial distribution – Recurrence relation Method.
4. Fitting of Poisson distribution – Direct method.
5. Fitting of Poisson distribution – Direct method using MS Excel.
6. Fitting of Poisson distribution - Recurrence relation Method.
7. Fitting of Negative Binomial distribution.
8. Fitting of Geometric distribution.
9. Fitting of Normal distribution – Areas method.
10. Fitting of Normal distribution – Ordinates method.
11. Fitting of Exponential distribution.
12. Fitting of Exponential distribution using MS Excel.
13. Fitting of a Cauchy distribution.
14. Fitting of a Cauchy distribution using MS Excel.


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