Semester - VI, Paper-VII Syllabus
B.Sc. III Year, VI
Semester (CBCS): Statistics Syllabus
Paper-VII: Design
of Experiments, Vital Statistics, Official Statistics and Business Forecasting (DSC-2F)
(3 HPW with 3 Credits and 60 Marks)
Unit –I
of Variance and Design of Experiments: Concept of Gauss-Markoff linear model with examples, statement
of Cochran’s theorem, ANOVA – one-way, two-way classifications with one
observation per cell.Expectation of various sums of squares, Statistical l
analysis, Importance and applications of design of experiments.
of experimentation: Analysis
of Completely randomized Design (C.R.D), Randomized Block Design (R.B.D)
Unit –II
Square Design (L.S.D) including one missing observation, expectation of various
sum of squares. Comparison of the efficiencies of above designs.
Functions and organization of CSO and NSSO. Agricultural Statistics, area and
yield statistics. National Income and its computation, utility and difficulties
in the estimation of national income.
Forecasting: Role of
forecasting in Business, Steps in Forecasting, Methods of Forecasting, Choice
of a method of Forecasting, Theories of Business Forecasting, Cautions while
using Forecasting Techniques.
Unit – III
statistics: Introduction,
definition and uses of vital statistics. Sources of vital statistics,
registration method and census method. Rates and ratios, Crude death rates, age
specific death rate, standardized death rates, crude birth rate, age specific
fertility rate, general fertility rate, total fertility rate. Measurement of population
growth, crude rate of natural increase- Pearl’s vital index. Gross
reproductive rate sand Net reproductive
rate, Life tables, construction and uses of life tables and Abridged life
V.K.Kapoor and S.C.Gupta : Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Sultan Chand
2. ParimalMukhopadhyay : Applied Statistics .
New Central Book agency.
3. B.L.Agarwal: Basic Statistics. New Age publications.
Paper-VII: Theory Paper VII and Elective VIII A (DSC-2F)
2 HPW, Credits 1 and Marks 25)
Section –A
1. Analysis of
2. Analysis of
RBD and Comparison of RBD with CRD with and without missing observation.
3. Analysis of
RBD with one missing observation and computation of Critical Difference.
4. Analysis of
LSD and Comparison of LSD with RBD with CRD.
5. Analysis of
LSD with one missing observation and computation of Critical Difference.
6. Computation
of Morality rates and Fertility rates and Construction of complete life tables.
7. Solution of
L.P. problem by simplex method and reading the solution of the dual problem
from Optimal Simplex table.
8. Solution of
L.P. problem by Big-M Method.
9. Two-phase
simplex method.
10. IBFS for a
transportation problem by North-West corner rule, Matrix minimum method and Vogel’s
approximation method and also Optimum solution to balanced and unbalanced
problem by MODI method.
11. Optimum
solution to balanced and unbalanced Assignment problem by Hungarian method and
also Solution of traveling salesman problem.
12. Computation
of Optimal Sequence and idle time for N jobs on 2 and 3 machines.
Note: The
question paper consists of TWO sections. Section A Consists of 2 Questions from
Section A of Practical paper VII and Section B consists of 2 questions from
Section B of Practical paper VII.
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