Semester - VI, Paper 7 Model paper
Subject: STATISTICS, Paper-VII
Time: 3 hr Max. Marks: 60M
- A
any Five questions:
5 X 3= 15
1.What do you
understand by ANOVA technique?
2. State Cochran’s
3. Define yield and experimental
4. What is LSD? Give
layout of LSD.
5. Define vital
statistics. What are the sources of vital statistics?
6. Define Specific
death rate and Age SDR.
7. What are the uses of
life tables?
8. What are the
functions of CSO?
Answer all 3 Questions: 3 X 15= 45
9. (a).What are the
assumptions of ANOVA. Explain analysis of variance of One way classification. (OR)
(b). Describe randomized block design and discuss
its merits and demerits. Explain
the efficiency
of RBD over CRD.
10. (a). Explain the principles
of experimental design. Describe latin square design and . discuss its merits and demerits (OR)
(i).Explain the missing plot technique of LSD.
(ii). Explain the efficiency of LSD over RBD
with rows of LSD as blocks.
11. (a). Explain
various measures of fertility. Discuss merits and demerits of these measures. (OR)
(b). (i).
Define national income. Explain the methods of estimating national income.
(ii). Define business forecasting. What is
the role of forecasting in business.
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