Semester-V, Paper-V model paper-2019

Paper-V: Sampling Theory, Time series, Index Numbers and Demand Analysis

Time: 3 hr                                                                                                      Max. Marks: 60
Answer any Five questions:                                                                        5 X 3 = 15
1. What are the advantages of sample survey over census survey.
2. In stratified random sampling optimum allocation, Prove that V(yst) is minimum for fixed sample size n if  ni is proportion to Ni Si .
3. Explain the methods of selecting simple random sample.
4. Obtain variance of stratified sample mean in optimum allocation.
5. Explain trend component of time series.
6.  Explain ratio to moving average method for measuring seasonal variations.
7. Explain the concepts of base shifting, splicing.
8. Explain constant price elasticity of demand.

Answer all 4 Questions:                                                                                3 X 15 = 45  
9. (a). Distinguish between SRSWOR and SRSWR with examples. In SRSWOR, show that
            V(yn) = {(N-n)/Nn} S2                                                  
    (b). Explain sampling and non-sampling errors.

10. (a). If a population consists of a linear trend, then prove that V(yst) ≤ V(ysys) ≤ V(yn)R. 
     (b).How do you fit a modified exponential curve and Gompertz curve to a time series data.

12. (a). Explain consistency tests for index numbers with examples.
      (b). Define demand, supply and equilibrium price. Describe Pigiou’s method of estimating price
           elasticity of demand for time series data and give its limitations.


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