B.Sc, Semester - 1 Statistics Syllabus, Academic Year: 2021-2022

B.A/B.Sc - I Year, I Semester (CBCS) : Statistics Syllabus

Paper – I: Descriptive Statistics and Probability

[4 Credits :: 100 Marks (External:80, Internal:20)]


Descriptive Statistics: Concept of primary and secondary data, Classification of data, Measures of central tendency (Arithmetic mean, median, mode, geometric mean and harmonic mean) with simple applications, Absolute and relative measures of dispersion (range, quartile deviation, mean deviation, standard deviation and variance) with simple applications.

Importance of moments, central and non-central moments, their inter-relationships, Sheppard’s correction for moments for grouped data, Measures of skewness based on quartiles and moments, kurtosis based on moments with real life examples.


Probability: Basic concepts of probability, deterministic and random experiments, trial, outcome, sample space, event, operations of events, mutually exclusive and exhaustive events, equally likely and favorable events with examples, Mathematical, Statistical and Axiomatic definitions of probability, their merits and demerits. Properties of probability based on axiomatic definition.

Conditional probability and independence of events, Addition and multiplication theorems for ‘n’ events, Boole’s inequality and Bayes’ theorem, Problems on probability using counting methods and theorems.


Random Variables: Definition of random variable, discrete and continuous random variables, functions of random variables, probability mass function and probability density function with illustrations. Distribution function and its properties, Transformation of one-dimensional random variable (simple 1-1 functions only).

Notion of bivariate random variable, bivariate distribution, statements of its properties, Joint, marginal and conditional distributions, Independence of random variables.


Mathematical Expectation: Mathematical expectation of a function of a random variable, Raw and central moments, covariance using mathematical expectation with examples, Addition and multiplication theorems of expectation. Chebyshev’s and Cauchy-Schwartz’s inequalities and their applications.

Definitions of moment generating function (m.g.f), characteristic function (c.f), cumulant generating function (c.g.f), probability generating function (p.g.f) and statements of their properties with applications.

Reference books:

1. Fundamentals of Statistics, (Vol-I) - Goon A M, Gupta M K, Das Gupta B, The World Press (Pvt) Ltd., Kolkata.

2. Fundamentals of Mathematical Statistics - V. K. Kapoor and S. C. Gupta, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi.


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