B.Sc, Semester - 5 Statistics Syllabus, (w.e.f 2021-2022, OU)
B.A/B.Sc. III Year V Semester (CBCS) : Statistics Syllabus
Paper – V(A) : Applied Statistics - I
[4 Credits :: 100 Marks (External : 80, Internal : 20)]
Sample Surveys: Concepts of population, sample, sampling unit, parameter, statistic, sample frame and standard error. Principal steps in sample surveys - need for sampling, census versus sample surveys, sampling and non- sampling errors, sources and treatment of non-sampling errors, advantages and limitations of sampling.
Sampling Methods: Types of sampling: Subjective, probability and mixed sampling methods. Methods of drawing random samples with and without replacement. Estimates of population mean, total, and proportion, their variances and the estimates of variances in Simple Random Sampling With and Without Replacement
Estimates of population mean, total, and proportion, their variances and the estimates of variances in the following methods.
(i) Stratified Random Sampling with Proportional and Neyman allocation, and
(ii) Systematic Sampling when N= nk.
Comparison of relative efficiencies. Advantages and disadvantages of SRS, Stratified and Systematic sampling methods.
Time series: Time series and its components with illustrations, additive, multiplicative and mixed models. Determination of trend by least squares and moving average methods. Growth curves and their fitting with reference to Modified exponential, Gompertz and Logistic curves. Determination of seasonal indices by Ratio to moving average, ratio to trend and link relative methods.
Statistical Quality Control: Importance of SQC in industry. Dimensions of quality, Statistical basis of Shewart control charts. Construction of control charts for variables (mean, range and standard deviation) and attributes (p , np with fixed and varying sample sizes) and their Interpretation.
Control charts for attributes (c and u charts with fixed and varying sample sizes) and their Interpretation.
Reference Books:
1. V.K. Kapoor and S.C. Gupta : Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Sultan Chand
2. A. M. Goon, M. K. Gupta, B. Das Gupta : Fundamentals of Statistics Vol - II World Press Private Ltd.,Calcutta
3. A. M. Goon, M. K. Gupta, B. Das Gupta : An outline of Statistical Theory Vol – II, World Press Private Ltd.,Calcutta17.
4. Anuvartita Sankhyaka Sastram – Telugu Academy.
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