Semester-VI paper-7, Model Paper

Subject: STATISTICS, Paper-VII
Time: 3 hr                                                                                                   Max. Marks: 60M

Answer any Five questions:                                                                                    5 X 3= 15

1.What are the assumptions of ANOVA ?
2. State Cochran’s theorem.
3. Define replication.
4. Define RBD. Give example.
5. Define vital statistics. What are the uses of vital statistics?
6. Define net reproduction rate (NRR).
7. Explain abridged life table.
8. What are the functions of NSSO?

Answer all 3 Questions:                                                                                            3 X 15= 45 

9. (a). Define ANOVA. Explain analysis of variance of One way classification.                                                                                                               (OR)
    (b). Describe Latin sqrare design and discuss its merits and demerits. Explain
     the efficiency of LSD over RBD.

10. (a). Obtain expectation of various sum of squares of CRD.
(b). (i).Explain the missing plot technique of RBD.
      (ii). Explain the statistical analysis of LSD.
11. (a). Explain various measures of mortality. Discuss merits and demerits of these measures.                                                                                       (OR)
      (b). (i). Define national income. What are the problems involved in estimation of national                                income. Give uses of national income.
      (ii). Define business forecasting. What is the role of forecasting in business.


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